
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quick Breakfast Ideas

Always vigilant for breakfast options, I saw this picture and knew it would make a great post. 

I've talked about thinking outside the box when it comes to breakfast- don't be stuck in the old "If it's before 11 am, I've got to have eggs / toast / oatmeal." Start thinking about some of your favorite Clean foods, and incorporate them into an early meal. Turkey on flat bread? Why not? Who said a turkey sandwich is only for lunch? Don't let ingrained behavior stop you from eating what you want, when you thing you should have it. Omelets for dinner are a-ok, as is yogurt with a toasted whole grain English muffin with a smear of peanut butter. 

One thing I’d like to point out in each breakfast idea permutation above is the presence of a Clean, lean protein.

Peanut butter
Cottage Cheese

Your body wants and needs protein in the morning to get the engines started. Always look to include a lean protein in your breakfast.